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Why Advertise with Us?

  • Exposure - The Valley MarketPlace is listed with over 450 search engines, news groups and banner links. This gives you world wide coverage for less than the cost of a "local" ad with other web services.

  • Up to date. Your advertisement will stay fresh as our website is updated several times per day.

  • Ease and accessibility. Studies show most people surfing the internet want to get where they are going in less than 20 seconds. Our pages will load in an average of 14 seconds, our competitor's pages load in 36 seconds. (Compared download times on a 28.8 kbps modem)

  • Design technology. Valley MarketPlace design has been rated excellent by several design services. We utilize accurate compression techniques to allow for 3-D and animated webgraphics.

  • Rates. We are the lowest priced because we have no overhead. Our business is operated from our home which gives us the advantage of constantly updating our services on a moment's notice. Because we produce everything from home, there are no store fronts, no rents and no hidden costs. We don't "lock up shop" after 5 PM leaving our customers stuck until the next day. The end result is better service and savings passed on to you.

Contact Us To Advertise Your Business

Here are some exciting facts about the internet:

Since 11/25/97, many surveys have been released, illustrating that the Internet is more than just blossoming for electronic commerce - it is exploding with opportunity.  

*  A CNet headline reports a thirty-one percent increase in Internet sales for the last U.S. business quarter. 

*  Internet usage in the U.S. by those above age 16 grew by almost ten percent or 4.9 million users in the past three months to 56 million individuals, according to market research analysts, IntelliQuest.

   The study goes on to report that an additional 16 million adults are anticipated to get online by 1999.  That represents a doubling of Internet users in only fifteen months.

*  Eight percent of the entrepreneurs in a USA TODAY/Ernst & Young  survey said they use the Internet mainly for commerce, which usually means taking orders electronically and accepting credit cards for payment. Of the 398 entrepreneurs queried at the Entrepreneur of the Year International Conference in Palm Springs, CA, twenty-seven percent said they will have commercial ventures in place over the next twelve to eighteen month.

Our mission is to cyber-transform each business in the area to introduce them to the internet, to maintain their competitive edge for the 21st Century and to strengthen the bond for businesses in the Valley. We will do that by offering a free webpage to area business who sign up with Clarity Connect. Clarity offers the lowest monthly rates in the area, the only local dial up access for Web TV and the fastest connections to the world wide web.